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SynthAsia Healthcare is specialized in registration and scientific marketing of international high quality Pharmaceuticals, especially Phytopharmaceuticals as well as any other Healthcare Products in China. As such SynthAsia Healthcare services the Chinese medical community and institutions and through such scientific collaboration ultimately the Chinese patients. In the past ten years and through the high quality of our Products and scientific Teams, SYNTHASIA has successfully established a core position in the Chinese market, in particular with a variety of Phytopharmaceuticals derived from natural ingredients.
Our current product portfolio covers cranial and peripheral circulation, intravenous therapy, central nervous system, gynecological endocrinology, respiratory as well as a variety of other therapeutic areas.
Ginaton® injection
(Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Injection)
Ginaton® film-coated tablets
(Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Tablets)
40mg*20’s, 40mg*40’s, 40mg*60’s
Ginaton® drops
(Extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Drops)
30ml: 1.2 g/bottle
Venostan® retard S
(Extract of Horse Chestnut Seeds Tablets)
400mg x 20’s/Box
(Extract of St. John’s Wort tablets)
306mg x 15’s/Box
PhytoMD is our digital platform for HealthCare professionals to learn and exchange specialized knowledge in the domain of PhytoPharmaceuticals.
HAUTSCHILD Skin Systems, a top quality skincare product line, which was developed particularly for the Japanese skincare market. It is based on the patented German OLT technology which emulates the structure of natural, healthy skin by strengthening the skin barrier function and by conserving healthy skin physiology indicators for long time after each application. Each HAUTSCHILD product is science-designed in its formula and composition for a specific functionality, which will be delivered to the skin layers of action by the OLT base.
German Cutaneous Technology, GCT’s, proprietary Ortho-LamellarTechnology, OLT is a lamellar cream base that is revolutionizing the quality and promises of skincare from a dermatological perspective that can be sensually experienced.
Fully balanced and exactly composed Ingredient combinations to achieve very specific effectiveness in maintaining, protecting and/or improving the skin of the customers.
HAUTSCHILD is rigorous in its no-nonsense philosophy of maximizing effectiveness by using the highest quality and scientifically best ingredients in formulas that are vital in their quantitative ingredient compositions. We eliminate any unnecessary ingredients and use sustainable and natural conservation and delivery systems.
Please visit offical website for more information:
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